(continued from Drivers/Guides/Vehicles)

Driver/Guide/Vehicle Category

Resource category allows Resource specific capabilities to be attached to the individual resource records.

Examples are:

Table 7: Resource Category Examples

Driver Category

Guide Category

Vehicle Category


FRFrench Speaking

C1Coach–15 Seater

DGDriver/ Guide

GEGerman Speaking

C2Coach–24 Seater


GRGreek Speaking

C3Coach–29 Seater

MBMini Bus

ITItalian Speaking

C4Coach–35 Seater

MVMini Van

SPSpanish Speaking

C5Coach–48 Seater


TGTravelling Guide

C6Coach–61 Seater

STStandard Car



MBMini Bus–12 Seater

MVMini Van–8 Seater

SCStandard Car

SLStretch Limousine


On initial entry to the Category nodes, any existing records will display.

Screen Shot 167: Category Node

The column headings at the top of the scroll are the only column headings available in this screen.


To modify an existing record description, highlight the row and double click.

To delete an existing record, highlight the row and click the Delete button in the button bar.

The Code field cannot be changed. Category records cannot be deleted if they have been attached to a resource, or used in an assignment.


To create a new Resource Category record, select the appropriate menu node—Driver Category, Guide Category or Vehicle Category—and click the Insert button in the button bar.

Screen Shot 168: Resource Category Dialogue

Code (3 Chars)

A code for the Resource Category.

Description (30 Chars)

The Category description.

Screen Shot 169: Completed Resource Category Dialogue


Click the OK button to save the Resource Category record.


Click Cancel to cancel setting up the Resources Category record, or to return to the scroll.


(continued in Assignment Status)